Siglufjörður is a small fishing town in a narrow f...
Á sunnudögum er töluð danska (frá Stykkishól...
Hólmavík is a small town in the western part of Ic...
Stykkishólmur is a town and municipality situated...
Sjómenn í landi / Fishermen Ashore and at Sea
Þeir fiska sem róa / Those who row also fish in...
Good fresh fish / Ferskur fiskur úr sjó (From Husa...
Children and women having fun, during winter, in a...
... In order to be granted access to the meeting,...
Snow sculpting is a a popular activity amongst Ice...
A very good day, from an Icelandic village.
The Snæfellsnes is a peninsula situated to the wes...
Þegar vetraði / When Winter Came
Selecting the best ram in the village, requires a...
The river that runs through the village provides t...
There is a national sport in the Westman islands,...
It calls for a celebration every time the local fi...